The French School of Siem Reap is a partner school of the French Education Agency (AEFE) since 2008. The Agency for Teaching French Abroad (AEFE) manages around 580 schools, colleges and high schools established outside France, in 139 countries. These establishments offer education that complies with the requirements of the French national education system. These approved establishments promote universal values – tolerance, humanism, equal opportunities, intellectual curiosity, promotion of critical thinking, etc. – and provide a seamless education from kindergarten to the baccalaureate. As part of a dynamic, attractive and open international network, they offer a particularly enriching education.
They are :

More than 390,000 students, 40% French, 60% international

580 schools in 139 countries

Approximately 17,000 baccalaureate graduates each year

More than 8,600 permanent national education staff and thousands of locally recruited staff
The EFSR has been approved by and partnered with the AEFE since 2008: this guarantees that the teaching provided complies with the requirements of the French national education system!